No matter how hard we try, we are only capable of thinking/focusing on one thing at a time...
To truly master something is to focus on the verb of the word, rather than the noun.
Learn why focusing on the results your product delivers is crucial for success!
See how the strategic location of these two items boosts sales in grocery stores globally!
Learn how to craft powerful WIIFM (What's in it for me) statements to effectively communicate the unique value proposition of your product or service.
During the California gold rush, the biggest revenue opportunity came in a way most weren't paying attention to...
Discover the difference between your Zone of Excellence and your Zone of Genius and learn how to tap into your full potential.
How two simple words can further your conversations and increase your level of engagement...
Adding more joy to our lives, while working to remove the challenges (a.k.a. - Alligators)
Discover the importance of brewing sweetness into your business strategy from day zero for an authentic and customer-focused approach.
Are the decisions we make based on perception, or observation?
While we're taking a closer look at your business and organizations, let me introduce three metaphorical tools to help us along the way: glasses, sunglasses, and the microscope.