The Windshield and the Rearview

As we turn the page to a new chapter, this week we'll discuss "The Windshield and the Rearview."

Welcome to the New Year!

In January, it's common to get stuck in the “gaps” of the past year—the things that didn't go as planned, our shortcomings, and missed opportunities. The rearview mirror - giving us a glimpse of where we've been...

But Remember…

Our windshield is much larger than the rearview mirror… Why?

Because where we're going, matters a whole lot more than where we've been.

This mindset shift was recently highlighted by Jelly Roll, a 39-year-old country music star who, after winning “Best New Artist of the Year” at the 2023 CMAs, shared this insight on stage:

"...The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason. What's ahead is far more important than what's behind…"

So, as we step into this new year, how can we focus on what lies ahead?

Exercise: Start, Stop, Continue

Before diving into new endeavors, try the exercise: Start, Stop, Continue.

This reflection activity breaks down what we should begin, end, and carry on doing to maximize our overall impact and output.

Successful leaders understand that achievement isn’t a fixed point - it's an ongoing process. Regularly evaluating where we stand using this method helps us work smarter and achieve transformative results.

The Start, Stop, Continue approach prompts us with questions that spur improvement and innovation - whether we're working alone or as a team.

Simply Ask Yourself

Start: What new habits, systems, or ideas should we introduce? 
Stop: What's holding us back that we should let go of? 
Continue: What's going well that we should maintain?

As we usher in a new chapter in 2024, let's appreciate the lessons of the past, while fixing our gaze on the wide-open road ahead.

New year, new vision. Let's look ahead to the infinite opportunities of 2024 - just over the horizon!

Kind Regards,

PS: There’s a real person on the other side of these messages, so feel free to comment back and say hello - I’d love to start a dialogue :-)