What to Write About

Staying top-of-mind and forging deeper, meaningful relationships with those you want to work with most...


Throughout my years of writing these weekly messages, the question: “How do you determine what to write about each week?” is one I get most often.

The Answer?

The same way we determine items to write about in our blog - something that’s timely, relevant to our audience, and useful or actionable in that moment.

As a subject matter expert, it is your biggest burden and benefit to explain what you do and how it will positively impact others you engage with. 

After all, this is your why.  

From that “why”, comes the “what”, and the defining of your expertise in a given space. That’s where blogs and weekly writings come in. 

These platforms are the vehicles used to demonstrate and communicate your unique expertise through writing.

Share as much as you can about what you are doing and how it is helping people in similar industries, share your vantage point in an actionable way - even without your help. 

The byproduct of this is staying top-of-mind and forging deeper, meaningful relationships with those you want to work with most.

Kind Regards,

PS: There’s a real person on the other side of these messages, so go on, comment back and say hello - I’d love to start a dialogue :-)

PPS: If you enjoyed this message, please consider sharing it with a few friends who might find it useful. Thank you!